Archery Range and Archery Shop Services for Bow and Crossbow Enthusiasts

Pro Shop & Indoor Range

James River Archery - Springfield, MO

James River Archery is a full service archery pro shop located in Springfield, Missouri. At James River Archery, youโ€™ll find all the best brands in the industry under one roof. We also provide expert repair services to keep you shooting throughout the year.

Our expert staff will help you select a bow from Mathews, Mission, PSE, or Elite that fits your needs and budget. Your new bow will be professionally sized to fit you perfectly, accessories installed, and tuned for maximum accuracy.

Whether you need a new bow or new accessories, we will have what you need at our everyday low price guarantee! At James River Archery, our goal will be to provide you with a customer friendly environment, with professional service to keep you in the field for your next hunt.

Stop in and see us!

20 Yard Indoor Shooting Range

Keep your skills sharp all year long in our 20-yard indoor range. $5/per person per hour or unlimited use with monthly or annual memberships.

  • 12 Lanes - 20 yards
  • Try before you buy on any bow we sell
Range Fees Rate
Range Fee Per Hour $5.00 / person
Range Fee Per Day $15.00 / person
Monthly Subscription - Unlimited Use $35.00 / person
12 month Subscription - Unlimited Use $150.00 / person
Household Annual Subscription - Unlimited Use $225.00 / family

Hours of Operation

Day Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday Closed


Professional Services

Basic Tune:

Safety check, tune rest and tiller, adjust weight, wax string and check nock.

Complete Tune:

Safety check, tune rest and tiller, adjust weight, wax string and check nock, disassemble bow, lube axles and limb pockets and check timing.

Super Tune:

Safety check, tune rest and tiller, adjust weight, wax string and check nock, disassemble bow, lube axles and limb pockets and check timing, chronograph and paper tune.

Service Price
Bow Bow Setup $50
*Install Peep Sight $5
*Install D-Loop $5
Install and Center Nock $2
Install Kisser Button $15
*Install String Silencer $15
*Install Drop Away Style Rest $15
*Install Whisker Biscuit Style Rest $10
*Set Center Shot $8
Paper Tune Bow $12
*Install Sight $5
*3rd Axis Sight and Level $10
*Chronograph Bow-3 Shots $3
*Install Quiver $2
*Install Stabilizer $2
*Install Shooting String $10
*Install Cable $10
*Time Bow $10
*Adjust and Set Draw Length $3
*Adjust Draw Length $3
*Tiller Adjustment $10
*Replace Top Serving $10
*Replace Center Serving $10
*Replace Bottom Serving $10
Miscellaneous Press Fee $2
Measure Draw Length FREE


Vanes & Arrow Fletching

Product Price
3" Solid Color Bolt Vanes $2.50
2.5" Solid Color Heat Vanes $2.75
2" Sollid Color Blazer Vanes $2.25
2" Solid/Tiger Striped Combo Blazer Vanes $2.50
2" Tiger Striped Blazer Vanes $2.75
4" Plastic Vanes $2.00
4" Solid Color Parabolic Cut Feather Vanes $3.25
4" Solid Color Parabolici Cut Feather Vanes $3.50
5" Plastic Vanes $2.00
5" Solid Color Parabolic Cut Feather Vanes $3.25
5" Solid/Barred Parabolic Cut Combo Feather Vanes $3.25
5" Barred Parabolic Cut Feather Vanes $3.50
5" Barred Shield Cut Feather Vanes $3.70
Arrow Fletching *Price per arrow
Arrow Cutting $.50 (free with arrow purchase)
Quickfletch Arrow $5.00 (Customer provides Quikfletch)
Install Arrow Wraps $.50


James River Archery is a full service archery pro shop located in Springfield, Missouri.

At James River Archery, youโ€™ll find all the best brands in the industry under one roof. We also provide expert repair services to keep you shooting throughout the year. Whether you need a new bow or new accessories, we will have what you need at our everyday low price guarantee!ย 

๐Ÿ“Œ 2734 South Campbell Ave Springfield, Mo. 65807

๐Ÿ•’ Tues - Sat, 10:00am - 7:00pm


